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A helper for managing electron app configuration at compile-time and runtime.


Example usage in electron app:


    "more": "stuff",
    "devstuff": {
        "development": "ok",
        "production": null


export default {
    foo: 'foo',
    bar: {
        development: 'baz!!!',
        production: 'bar'


import { app } from 'electron';
import { getConfig } from '@xailabs/app-config';
import defaultConfig from './config';

// take the config we have and extend it with values from the json file
const config = getConfig(defaultConfig, {

    // load this external file
    file: `${app.getPath('desktop')}/config.json`,  

    // if you find objects with `development` or `production` keys, resolve them
    resolve: process.env.NODE_ENV,                  

    // make the config read-only
    freeze: true                                    


Resulting config in development build:

    foo: 'foo',
    bar: 'baz!!!',
    more: 'stuff',
    devstuff: 'ok'

Resulting config in production build:

    foo: 'foo',
    bar: 'bar',
    more: 'stuff',
    devstuff: null